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McNeelyLaw Transcends SCUFFY Donation Projections

McNeelyLaw Transcends SCUFFY Donation Projections

The Shelby County United Fund for You (SCUFFY) has a mission of “improv[ing] the quality of life in Shelby County by mobilizing the caring power of volunteers and donors to advance the common good.” McNeelyLaw supports this mission year after year with volunteer work and monetary donations. This year, for SCUFFY’s official kickoff, the organization set a fundraising goal of $875,000. McNeelyLaw internally set a donation goal of $18,000 and far exceeded it, with a final fundraising total of $22,238.52. The firm has had a 100% participation rate for over ten years. Additionally, this year, 17 McNeelyLaw employees increased their donation from their donation last year.

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