Scholarship – Funeral Cemetery Law
Articles Chapters
- Corpse Disposition and the Law, in The Future of the Corpse: Our Changing Places and Perceptions of the Dead and Mourning, ed. Christina Staudt and Karla Rothstein (ABC-CLIO) (October 2021)
- You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Inconsistent State Statutes Frustrate Decedent Control Over Funeral Planning, 55 Real Prop. Tr. Est. L.J. 147 (2020).
- The Death Care Revolution, 8 Wake Forest J. Law Pol’y 1 (2018)
- Regulated to Death: Occupational Licensing and the Demise of the U.S. Funeral Services Industry, 8 Wake Forest J. Law Pol’y 5 (2018)
- Jessica Mitford Was Wrong, 8 Wake Forest J. Law Pol’y 111 (2018)
- A Short History of Corpse Disposition in Manhattan, SSRN Working Papers Series (https://ssrn.com/abstract=3044516) (2017)
- A Brief History of the American Cemetery, in Changing Landscapes: Exploring the Growth of Ethical, Compassionate, and Environmentally Sustainable Green Funeral Service, ed. Lee Webster (2017)
- A New Lease on Death (with Sample Provisions), 32 Prac. Real Est. Law. 31 (November 2016)
- Who Controls the Dead? The Right to Make Funeral and Disposition Decisions, Natural Transitions (Summer 2016)
- Corpse Disposition and the Law, Columbia University Seminar on Death Working Paper (2016)
- When Death and Dirt Collide: Legal Property Interests in Burial Places, 30 Prob. Prop. 59 (March/April 2016). Winner of ABA Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law’s Probate Property magazine’s 2016 Excellence in Writing Award for Best Overall Article in Real Property.
- A New Lease on Death, 49 Real Prop. Tr. Est. L.J. 421 (2015)
- Ebola, Embalming, and The Dead: Controlling the Spread of Infectious Disease, 2 Wake Forest L. Rev. Common Law 101 (2014)
- Rethinking the Law of the Dead, 48 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1327 (2013)
- Restatement of the Law (Third) of Torts: Concluding Provisions. Associate Reporter responsible for drafting sections related to interference with human remains (IN PROGRESS)
- Regulation of the Funeral Industry: A Legal Research Guide (William S. Hein Company, 2019)
- Disposition of Human Remains: A Legal Research Guide (William S. Hein Company, 2016)
- Cemetery Law: The Common Law of Burying Grounds in the United States (God’s Acre Publishing, 2015). Co-authored with Daniel Gibson.
- The Law of Human Remains (Lawyers Judges Publishing Company, Inc., 2015) (the first treatise on the subject since Percival Jackson published The Law of Cadavers in 1950). (Second edition IN PROGRESS)
- Creator, Death, et seq. (www.deathetseq.com) (2018 – present) (A podcast discussing the relationship between the living and the dead, approximately 2,000 downloads per episode)
- Founder and Editor, The Funeral Cemetery Law Blog (www.deathcarestudies.com) (2013 – 2019)
Scholarship – Property Law
- A Fresh Look at Restrictive Covenants in Retail Leasing (with Sample Provisions), 32 Prac. Real Est. Law. 40 (March 2016)
- A Fresh Look at Restrictive Covenants in Retail Leasing, The ACREL Papers (Fall 2015)
- Transforming Lease Covenants into Real Covenants: Lessons from Winn-Dixie v. Dolgencorp, 29 Prob. Prop. 34 (Sep./Oct. 2015). Co-authored with Stefan Szwarc
- Because of Winn-Dixie: The Common Law of Exclusive Use Covenants, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 935 (2015).
- Too Big to Fail versus Too Small to Notice: Addressing the Commercial Real Estate Debt Crisis, 63 Ala. L. Rev. 321 (2012). Selected for the 2012 C-LEAF Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop.
- Foreclosures and the Failure of the American Land Title Recording System, 111 Colum. L. Rev. Sidebar 19 (2011)
- Sometimes Blackacre IS a Widget: Rethinking Commercial Real Estate Contract Remedies 88 Neb. L. Rev. 635 (2010)
- Commercial Leasing: A Transactional Primer (co-authored with Daniel Bogart and Celeste Hammond) (Carolina Academic Press, 3rd edition, 2020)
- Early Lawyering Literacy: Property Law (co-authored with Heather Way and Lucille Wood of University of Texas at Austin) (West Academic, 2016)
Scholarship – Banking Regulation Community Banks
- Federal Policy, Market Distortions, and the Challenges to Community Banks. Selected for the 2014 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference, hosted by the Federal Reserve System and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors.
- Reforming the Regulation of Community Banks After Dodd-Frank, 90 Ind. L.J. 180 (2015). Selected for the 2013 Community Banking in the 21st Century Research and Policy Conference, hosted by the Federal Reserve System and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors.
- The Impact of Dodd-Frank on Community Banks, American Enterprise Institute white paper (2013). Co-authored with Joseph Norman.
Scholarship – Other
- A Dubious Distinction: Rethinking Tax Treatment of Private Foundations and Public Charities, 22 Va. Tax Rev. 137 (Summer 2002), reprinted in part in Elizabeth Schmidt, Nonprofit Law (Aspen 2011)
Other Recent Publications
The Conversation
- Who will bury Charles Manson? (November 22, 2017)
Life after death: Americans are embracing new ways to leave their remains (October 27, 2017)
The Huffington Post
- Pence’s Legacy: Indiana Law Requires Burial or Cremation of Blighted Ovum (November 16, 2016)
- Consumers Stand to Lose in Battle Between Pennsylvania Funeral Directors and Cemeteries (March 1, 2016)
- Arizona Pretends to Reduce but Instead Significantly Raises Barriers to Entry for Cremationists (March 1, 2016)
- Home Funerals, Rent-Seeking, and Religious Liberty (February 22, 2016)
- “Our Baby Boy:” Remembering the Dead of Antietam (October 27, 2015)
- A Grave Injustice to Religious and Economic Liberty in New Jersey (Aug. 29, 2015)
- Greening the American Way of Death (April 20, 2015).
- Casket Retailer’s Expansion into Malls Challenges Funeral Industry (December 17, 2013)
- Community Banks are Failing; Pawnshops are Growing (August 25, 2013)
- Preserving Community Banks Should Be Bi-Partisan Priority (July 16, 2013)
- Tsarnaev Burial Saga Highlights Fundamental Flaw in the Law of Human Remains (May 13, 2013)
- Burying Mass Murderers: The Problem of Tamerlan Tsarnaev (May 5, 2013)
- Rethinking Laws Permitting the Sales of Human Remains (August 13, 2012)
- One More Casualty of the Foreclosure Crisis: Property Tax Revenues (March 22, 2011)
- The Cost of Surrendering the 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Loan (March 9, 2011)
- A Government-Mandated Foreclosure Moratorium is a Popular (and Bad) Idea (October 27, 2010)
- The Law of Green Burial, Memento Mori: An ICCFA Magazine (February 2021)
- Joseph Story and the Invention of American Cemetery Law, Sweet Auburn: Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn (Winter 2019)
- Of Persons, Property, and Frozen Eggs, JOTWELL (April 10, 2017)
- Redefining the American Dream, JOTWELL (March 8, 2016)
- Treat Community Banks Differently: They’re essential American institutions, and Dodd-Frank is harming them, National Review Online (May 14, 2013)
- Understanding the Commercial Real Estate Debt Crisis, 1 Harv. Bus. L. Rev. Online 33 (2011)
Recent Scholarly Presentations
- Cemeteries and the Common Law, 17th Kravotil Conference on Real Estate and Practice, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois (October 1, 2019)
- Regulated to Death: Reimagining the Funeral Services Market, Columbia University Seminar on Death, New York, New York (December 13, 2017)
- Corpse Disposition and the Law, Designing for Life and Death: Sustainable Disposition and Spaces of Remembrance in the 21st Century Metropolis, Columbia University Seminar on Death Colloquium, New York, New York (April 1, 2016)
- The Invention of American Cemetery Law, American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Property Section Breakfast, New York, New York (January 7, 2016)
- Regulated to Death: The Funeral Industry and the Trap of Protectionism, Tulane Law School Regulatory Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana (December 2, 2015)
- Regulated to Death: The Funeral Industry and the Trap of Protectionism, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia (November 15, 2015)
- Regulated to Death: The Funeral Industry and the Trap of Protectionism, Mercatus Center at George Mason University (April 28, 2015)
- Federal Policy, Market Distortions, and the Challenges to Community Banks, Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference, The Federal Reserve and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, St. Louis, Missouri (September 23, 2014)
- Asserting the Rights of the Dead, invited speaker, University of Richmond School of Law (September 19, 2014)
- Infusing the 1L Curriculum with Experiential Learning and Clinical Pedagogy, Association of American Law Schools Conference on Clinical Legal Education, Chicago, Illinois (April 29, 2014)
- Reforming the Regulation of Community Banks After Dodd-Frank, Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference, The Federal Reserve and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, St. Louis, Missouri (October 3, 2013)
- The Impact of Dodd Frank on Community Banks, testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Job Creation, and Regulatory Affairs hearing on the Regulatory Burdens: The Impact of Dodd-Frank on Community Banking, Washington, D.C. (July 18, 2013)
- The Impact of Dodd Frank on Community Banks, Briefing to Congressional Staff organized by American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. (May 7, 2013)
- Dead Giveaway: Creating a Uniform Limited Property Interest in Human Remains, Junior/Senior Faculty Scholarship Workshop, Tulane University School of Law, New Orleans, LA (October 19 – 20, 2012)
- Regulating God’s Acre: Custom, Commerce Choice in the American Cemetery, Thursdays at Bynum, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC (April 26, 2012)
- Too Big to Fail versus Too Small to Notice: Addressing the Commercial Real Estate Debt Crisis, C-LEAF Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop, George Washington University, Washington, DC (February 10 – 11, 2012)
- Dead Giveaway: Creating a Uniform Limited Property Interest in Human Remains, Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Trust and Estate Acts, New Orleans, LA (December 2 – 4, 2011)
- Rethinking the Law of the Dead, invited speaker, University of Kentucky School of Law, Lexington, Kentucky (November 18, 2011)
- Rethinking the Law of the Dead, invited speaker, Saint Louis University School of Law, St. Louis, Missouri (October 18, 2011)
- Rethinking the Law of the Dead, Michigan State Junior Faculty Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan (October 5, 2011)
- Dead Giveway: Creating a Uniform Limited Property Interest in Human Remains, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina (July 29, 2011)
- Regulating God’s Acre: Commerce, Custom, and Choice in the American Cemetery, Association for Law, Property and Society, Washington, D.C. (March 5, 2011)
- Regulating God’s Acre: Commerce, Custom, and Choice in the American Cemetery, invited speaker, Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, Florida (January 28, 2011)
Recent Presentations to Professional Associations
- Cemetery Law and Eminent Domain, International Right of Way Association Chapter 4 (February 9, 2022)
- The Legal Landscape of Green Burial in the United States, Green Burial Council Annual Meeting, Chaska, Minnesota (October 14, 2020)
- Unearthing the Law of Decedent Control of Human Remains, Wake Forest Law CLE: Sports, Life and Death, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (February 21, 2020)
- Planning for Funerals and Disposition in North Carolina, Piedmont Estate Planning Council, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (November 12, 2019)
- Lingering Liability: Inside the Cemetery, National Funeral Directors Association 2019 International Convention Expo, Chicago, Illinois (October 2019)
- Who Owns Burial Spaces?, 2019 Georgia Municipal Cemeteries Association Conference, Savannah, Georgia (October 16, 2019)
- Legal and Cultural Trends in Green Funerals, Cremation Association of North American Green Funeral Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico (October 3, 2019)
- Lingering Liability: Inside the Cemetery, National Funeral Directors Association 2018 International Convention Expo, Salt Lake City, Utah (October 17, 2018)
- The Development of New York Cemetery Law, 90th Annual Fall Conference, New York State Association of Cemeteries (NYSAC), Bolton Landing, New York (October 3, 2018)
- It’s a World of Tears and a World of Fears: Crisis Management of Estates, Spring Symposium sponsored by the American Bar Association (ABA) Real Property and Trust and Estate Law (RPTE) Section, Orlando, Florida (May 10, 2018)
- Nothing is Certain But Death and Taxes—Well, Maybe Just Death, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, 2018 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (March 11, 2018)
- Cemetery Law 101, Preserving Community Cultural Landscapes: Cemetery Management, Planning Care Workshop, Wake Forest, North Carolina (October 11, 2017)
- Everybody can be an Advocate: Here’s How, National Home Funeral Alliance (NHFA) Biannual Meeting, Reistertown, Maryland (September 22, 2017)
- Recent Developments on the Frontiers of Death Care, Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Piedmont Annual Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina (September 17, 2017)
- Current Legal Trends in Death Care, National Association of Death Care Regulators Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon (September 12, 2017)
- Regulated to Death, Death Salon, Seattle, Washington (September 8-10, 2017)
- The Development and Structure of American Cremation Law, Cremation Association of North America (CANA) Annual Meeting, New York City, New York (August 17, 2017)
- Recent Developments in the Law: the (Legal) Marijuana Industry and Real Property Lawyers, Spring Symposium sponsored by the American Bar Association (ABA) Real Property and Trust and Estate Law (RPTE) Section, Denver, Colorado (April 21, 2017)
- Property and Legal Interests in Burial Places, International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee (April 5, 2017)
- Regulated to Death, Disrupting the Death Care Paradigm: Wake Forest Journal of Law Policy Symposium, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (February 24, 2017)
- Keeping the “Real World” in Real Estate Transactions: New Ideas, Best Practices, and Partnership Opportunities to Strengthen Teaching and Scholarship, American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California (January 5, 2017)
- Purchase and Sale Agreements: Conditions vs. Covenants; Reps and Warranties; and Setting Floors and Caps for Breaches and Reps and Warranties, 2016 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Shopping Center Law Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (October 26-29, 2016)
- Unearthing NC Funeral and Cemetery Law, Mecklenburg County Bar Association, Ghosts, Graves and the Occasional Murder House: A Halloween CLE, Charlotte, North Carolina (October 19, 2016)
- Legal Issues in Managing Public Cemeteries in North Carolina, Best Practices in Cemetery Operations Workshop, Raleigh, North Carolina (October 12, 2016)
- You Can’t Do That! (Or Can You?): Restrictive Covenants in Retail Leasing, American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL) webinar (September 29, 2016)
- Commercial Leasing, 2016 Real Property Specialization “Prep” Program, North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA), Cary, North Carolina (September 23, 2016)
- The Invention of American Cemetery Law, Annual Fall Conference, New York State Association of Cemeteries (NYSAC), Hershey, Pennsylvania (September 20, 2016)
- Recent Developments in Cemetery Law, Annual Fall Conference, NYSAC, Hershey, Pennsylvania (September 20, 2016)
- Funeral Law, Who Owns Your Body?, Qeepr #TalkDeath Episode 5 (July 7, 2016)
- Who Owns our Dead: How the Long Arm of the Law Reaches into our Most Private Funeral Choices, Funeral Consumers Alliance (FCA) Biennial Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (June 23-25, 2016)
- The Off-Broadway Tenant Coming to Your Center – How to Cast Medical Care Providers, Schools, and Other New Players in Your Shopping Center, 2015 ICSC Shopping Center Law Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona (October 30, 2015)
- “Can Your Lease Say You Can’t Do That”: Restrictive Covenants in Retail Leases, ACREL Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland (October 23 24, 2015)
- Cemetery Law, ABA-RPTE Section, Professor’s Corner (September 9, 2015)
- Recent Developments in Real Estate Law: Interpreting and Enforcing Exclusive Use Covenants, 2015 Real Property Section Annual Meeting, NCBA, Pinehurst, North Carolina (April 9, 2015)
- Representing Small Businesses and Non-Profits in the Acquisition of Commercial Real Estate, Spring Symposium sponsored by the ABA-RPTE Section, Washington, D.C. (April 29, 2015)
- Property and Pot: Issues at the Intersection of Property Law and the Legalization of Marijuana, ABA-RPTE Section, Professor’s Corner (December 10, 2014)
- Thinking Outside the “Box”: Health and Funeral Law Tenants in Retail Centers, 2014 ICSC Shopping Center Law Conference, Orlando, Florida (October 23, 2014)
- Law Professors’ Panel: Recent Developments in Property Law, Spring Symposium sponsored by the ABA RPTE Section, Chicago, Illinois (May 2, 2014)
- Danger! Are You Covered? Negotiating the Allocation of Risk in a Retail Lease, 2013 ICSC Shopping Center Law Conference, San Diego, California (October 17, 2013)
- Law Professors’ Panel: Recent Developments in Property Law, Spring Symposium sponsored by the ABA RPTE Section, Washington, D.C. (May 3, 2013)
- Unearthing the Law of Decedent Control of Their Remains, CLE sponsored by the Samuel Wait Legacy Society of Wake Forest University, Charlotte, North Carolina (January 31, 2013)
- An Insurance Presentation You Can Use: How to Write Insurance Specifications for a Shopping Center Lease, 2012 ICSC Shopping Center Law Conference, Orlando, Florida (October 25, 2012)
- Co-Planner (with Professor Harold Lloyd), Advanced Topics in Real Property, NCBA, Cary, North Carolina (October 5, 2012)
- Law Professors’ Panel: Recent Developments in Property Law, Spring Symposium sponsored by the ABA RPTE Section, New York, New York (May 4, 2012)
- Revisiting Commercial Real Estate Contract Remedies in Troubling Times, Spring Symposium sponsored by the ABA RPTE Section, Washington, D.C. (April 28, 2011)
- Basic Insurance Topics for Landlords and Tenants, 2010 ICSC Shopping Center Law Conference, Hollywood, Florida (November 3, 2010)
Recent Interviews Media References to Scholarship
- Is Composting the Future of Death?, The Takeaway WNYC (January 5, 2022)
- Guest on Infrastructure Junkies podcast (November 9, 2021)
- Guest on Undertaking: the Podcast (February 25, 2021)
- The High Cost of Funerals During the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Takeaway WNYC (February 1, 2021)
- Jason Murdock, Facebook Investigates Sales of Human Skulls in Private Groups, Newsweek (July 3, 2020)
- Owen Jarus, Looted skulls and human remains are being sold in black markets on Facebook, Live Science (July 2, 2020)
- Maggie Jones, How Do You Maintain Dignity for the Dead in a Pandemic, New York Times Magazine (May 14, 2020)
- Adina Solomon, More States Legalize Dissolving Bodies in Water, U.S. News (March 12, 2020)
- Brooke Lewis, You’d never know 95 people were buried here, and critics blame Ford Bend ISD for going it alone, Houston Chronicle (February 5, 2020)
- Maggie Jones, The Movement to Bring Death Closer, New York Times Magazine (December 19, 2019)
- Alex Brown, Eco-friendly cemeteries? More people preferring ‘green’ over standard burials, The Washington Post (November 30, 2019)
- Josie Taris Anita Rao, Dis-Embodied: The Legal Challenges of Our Death-Denying Culture, WUNC 91.5 (October 31, 2019)
- Associated Press, Fetal remains case raises lots of questions, few answers, Chicago Herald (September 17, 2019)
- Elena Sheppard, Funerals—and death—are changing as Americans try to control what happens when they die, NBC News (August 20, 2019)
- Caitlin Doughty, You Can’t Keep Your Parents Skulls, The Atlantic (September 4, 2019)
- Jessica Leigh Hester, The Mountaintop Cemeteries Surrounded by Coal Mines, Atlas Obscura (October 30, 2018)
- Funeral Arrangements and Disposition of Human Remains, ACTEC Trust Estate Talk podcast (August 14, 2018)
- Beckett Mufson, These Popular Instagram Accounts Are Selling Human Remains, Vice (July 26, 2018)
- A World Without: Space for the Dead, interview with WBEZ Chicago Worldview (July 25, 2018)
- Martha Quillin, N.C. law says twin fetuses can’t be cremated together, but couple doesn’t want them apart, The News Observer (Raleigh) (May 29, 2018)
- The History of American Cemeteries with Tanya Marsh, The Road to Now podcast (March 23, 2018)
- Christine Colby, Want to Plan for Your Death and Funeral? Here’s How, The New York Times (February 20, 2018)
- Cassie Owens, A party with death: how one local group is organizing for the inevitable, Philadelphia Inquirer (February 6, 2018)
- Kristin Hugo, Can you sell your body when you die? This man wants to try, Newsweek (February 5, 2018)
- Lindsay Marchello, Is the funeral business a dying industry, Carolina Journal (October 31, 2017)
- The History of American Cemeteries, The Road to Now podcast (October 23, 2017)
- Sarah Wojcik, Whitehall burial company shifts gears amid rise in cremation, The Morning Call (June 19, 2017)
- Alexandra Zavis, The latest battlefront in the abortion wars: Some states want to require burial or cremation for fetuses, Los Angeles Times (January 23, 2017)
- Bricks-and-Mortar Banks Stage a Comeback, OZY (January 17, 2017)
- What to Do with Your Amputated Leg, Scientific American (January 17, 2017)
- Samantha Schmidt, After months of controversy, Texas will require aborted fetuses to be cremated or buried, The Washington Post (November 30, 2016)
- Seattle could get an Urban Death Project human composter in just 7 years, The Seattle Times (October 28, 2016)
- Rebecca Grant, The Latest Anti-Abortion Trend? Mandatory Funerals for Fetuses, The Nation (October 11, 2016)
- Lisa Wangsness, When a final resting place isn’t so final, The Boston Globe (October 3, 2016)
- Laura Yan, Is Human Composting the Future of Urban Burial?, Pacific Standard (September 21, 2016)
- Volunteers head for cemeteries to put millions of gravestones online, Philadelphia Inquirer (August 8, 2016)
- Conor Gearin, Hundreds of mystery human skulls sold on eBay for up to $5500, New Scientist (July 12, 2016)
- Emma Green, Indiana Tried to Raise Ethical Challenges to Abortion, but Will Probably Fail, The Atlantic (July 1, 2016)
- Frank Lockwood, In Senate, Arkansans request new life for a child’s burial, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (June 7, 2016)
- Maureen Hayden, Abortion law raises new questions about fetal burial, Greensburg (Indiana) Daily News (May 31, 2016)
- Emma Green, State-Mandated Mourning for Aborted Fetuses, The Atlantic (May 14, 2016)
- Jacob Goldstein, You Asked for It (The Business of Cemeteries), Planet Money (NPR) (Jan. 27, 2016)
- Jeremy Cohen, Bio-Cremation: A Greener Way to Die?, Qeepr (October 1, 2015)
- Paul Brennan, Prayer Garden Controversy May Change Wisconsin Law, Wisconsin Watchdog (September 25, 2015)
- Claes Bell, Thrifts vs. traditional banks: What’s the difference?, Bankrate (September 15, 2015)
- Jonathan Goddard, What Should be Done with the Remains of Miscarried Fetuses?, Vice (September 12, 2015)
- Michael Hewlett, Law Professor Deals with the Complicated Legal Issues Revolving Around the Dead, Winston-Salem Journal (September 8, 2015)
- Dan Kelley, Cops find body parts in unlicensed funeral home for a second time in two weeks, Metro [Philadelphia] (September 1, 2015)
- Jessica Fecteau, Urban Death Project Founder Makes Case for Composing Human Bodies, People Magazine (June 1, 2015)
- Stacy Mitchell, Local Banks Have Vanished Since 2008. Why We Should Treat It as a National Crisis, Truthout (May 8, 2015)
- Joshua Zumbrun, Yellen Fed’s Vacancies Prompt Push for Community Banker: Economy, Bloomberg (January 8, 2014)
- Matt Evans, Brad Miller to Congress: Pay attention to community banks, Business Journal (Greensboro/Winston Salem) (August 20, 2013)
- Joseph Woodruff, Community Banks: Too Small to Save?, Banking Law Connection (May 15, 2013)
- Matt Stout, Virginia Officials: Tamerlan burial a grave injustice, The Boston Herald (May 13, 2013)
- Rodrique Ngow and Steve LeBlanc, Still no final rest for Hub bomb suspect, Time Magazine (May 10, 2013)
- Jess Bidgood, Bombing Suspect’s Body Interred in Undisclosed Location, The New York Times (May 10, 2013)
- Greg Edwards, Study: Dodd-Frank endangers small banks, St. Louis Business Journal (May 9, 2013)
- Jay Lindsay, Associated Press, [Update on Tamerlan Tsarnaev case] (May 10, 2013)
- Jay Lindsay, Associated Press, Still no resting spot for Tamerlan Tsarnaev (May 8, 2013)
- Joe Adler, Dodd-Frank Hurts Small Banks Too, AEI Paper Warns, American Banker (May 8, 2013)
- Elise Amendola, U.S. Funeral Director Considers Burial Offers for Tsarnaev, Moscow Times (May 7, 2013)
- Judy Wheatley, Fixing Final-Document Chaos, Mortgage Banking (December 1, 2012)
- Katie Arcieri, Foreclosures down, but industry wary of “shadow market,” Business Journal (Greensboro/Winston Salem) (September 16, 2011)
- Katie Arcieri, Long overdue: Continued lag in Triad home sales leaves some experts wondering if the market has hit bottom, Business Journal (Greensboro/Winston-Salem) (August 19, 2011)