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Continued Moratorium on Evictions and Foreclosures

Continued Moratorium on Evictions and Foreclosures

On Thursday, July 30, 2020, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-39 updating and extending existing restrictions due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

These updates include an extension of Stage 4.5 of Indiana’s Back On Track opening plan until August 27, 2020. This is the second time Governor Holcomb has extended Stage 4.5 through an executive order. Indiana was originally supposed to enter Stage 5 on July 4, 2020, but increased positive cases have caused state officials to scale back Indiana’s reopening plan.

Indiana’s moratorium on evictions and foreclosures is also extended through August 14, 2020, except in certain emergency situations.
These additional updates come after a state-wide face covering mandate that went into effect on July 27, 2020.

You can read the full executive order here: https://www.in.gov/gov/

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